I tried to stay above the fray today. It was tough; there was lots to follow. But about halfway through the afternoon, I saw something on the Twitter Alumni Slack that changed both my focus and mood for the rest of the day: the #OneTeam Tweep Talent Directory.
Started by Chanddan Maloo, this is the compilation of hundreds of form entries to collect both the names, titles, and LinkedIn profiles of former Tweeps now looking for their next gig in one tab, and another tab with a collection of recruiters and companies who are looking to hire the amazing talent that has been so abruptly shunted off.
I took some time to scroll through it, searching for familiar names from the Design and Research team. I wanted to find few, naively hoping my former teammates had already put enough pieces in place to weather this storm. But as I came across name after name, I realized I needed to get more involved.
I sent each of them a message, commiserating about how shitty all this is and offering any help they thought I could provide. I also recommended they look through the current Google job listings to see if anything there piqued their interests; lawd knows how much we value internal referrals.
I’ve heard back from a few already, and we’re talking about how to narrow options and take some new steps in the next part of their career journey. But, if you’re reading this and you’re currently looking, too, please let me know how I can help. Although you know I’m trying (and occasionally failing) to stay off of The Bird App, you can still DM me, and I’ll probably see it sooner rather than later. Or, in an effort toward expediency, if you're interested in a Google gig, you can email me at my work address (my LDAP is srfox@). Whether we’re Tweeps or not, we’ll always be #OneTeam.
Fresh Tendrils
07 November 2022
The writing was on the wall.
I tried to stay above the fray today. It was tough; there was lots to follow. But about halfway through the afternoon, I saw something on the Twitter Alumni Slack that changed both my focus and mood for the rest of the day: the #OneTeam Tweep Talent Directory.
Started by Chanddan Maloo, this is the compilation of hundreds of form entries to collect both the names, titles, and LinkedIn profiles of former Tweeps now looking for their next gig in one tab, and another tab with a collection of recruiters and companies who are looking to hire the amazing talent that has been so abruptly shunted off.
I took some time to scroll through it, searching for familiar names from the Design and Research team. I wanted to find few, naively hoping my former teammates had already put enough pieces in place to weather this storm. But as I came across name after name, I realized I needed to get more involved.
I sent each of them a message, commiserating about how shitty all this is and offering any help they thought I could provide. I also recommended they look through the current Google job listings to see if anything there piqued their interests; lawd knows how much we value internal referrals.
I’ve heard back from a few already, and we’re talking about how to narrow options and take some new steps in the next part of their career journey. But, if you’re reading this and you’re currently looking, too, please let me know how I can help. Although you know I’m trying (and occasionally failing) to stay off of The Bird App, you can still DM me, and I’ll probably see it sooner rather than later. Or, in an effort toward expediency, if you're interested in a Google gig, you can email me at my work address (my LDAP is srfox@). Whether we’re Tweeps or not, we’ll always be #OneTeam.
See you tomorrow?