This is my last post of the year. It’s caused me to take stock of things, a little quantified self, collected here for all to see. So, with you’re indulgence, here are some of stats I have racked up over 2022:
Exercise 150:Runs completed 530:Miles run 166:Rides completed 844:Miles ridden
Wordle 353: Games played 137: Max streak
World Cup 64: Matches watched
Since this is the first year I’ve ever really looked back at all these stats collected in one place, I don’t really have a good idea of how this ranks with previous years. I think I can assume most of them are pretty close to what I did in 2021, with a couple of exceptions: With COVID restrictions easing allowing me to go to more shops, I definitely bought more books and records this year.
The other thing I noticed was how many of the activities I love are not cataloged here. There’s no log of time spent writing and recording music. None for walks in the rain with my daughter looking for puddles. Or trips to the dog park. Reading bedtime stories. Drinks with friends. Planets spotted. Birds heard. Hugs.
I know we spend a lot of time and effort telling people about our time and effort. Hell, most of my self-evaluations is just me drafting different versions of how I spent my time and attention this year. But I think it’s pretty obvious where the real value is. And it’s not in tracking every step. Unless you remember those steps were next to the feet of people — or pets — that you love.
In any case, I’m glad y’all came along this ride with me this year. I appreciate the time and attention you may have given me. I hope at least one of these posts was helpful to you. And that you were able to make time for the other things in your life that bring you joy. Here’s to devoting even more time to those next year, whether you can track them or not.
By Crooked Steps
30 December 2022
Group text.
This is my last post of the year. It’s caused me to take stock of things, a little quantified self, collected here for all to see. So, with you’re indulgence, here are some of stats I have racked up over 2022:
92: Albums heard
111: Records purchased
23: Books purchased
16: Books read
64: Audio books heard
906: Tweets sent
44: Blog posts published
143: Podcasts
4,719: Episodes
1,584: Listening hours
150: Runs completed
530: Miles run
166: Rides completed
844: Miles ridden
353: Games played
137: Max streak
World Cup
64: Matches watched
Since this is the first year I’ve ever really looked back at all these stats collected in one place, I don’t really have a good idea of how this ranks with previous years. I think I can assume most of them are pretty close to what I did in 2021, with a couple of exceptions: With COVID restrictions easing allowing me to go to more shops, I definitely bought more books and records this year.
The other thing I noticed was how many of the activities I love are not cataloged here. There’s no log of time spent writing and recording music. None for walks in the rain with my daughter looking for puddles. Or trips to the dog park. Reading bedtime stories. Drinks with friends. Planets spotted. Birds heard. Hugs.
I know we spend a lot of time and effort telling people about our time and effort. Hell, most of my self-evaluations is just me drafting different versions of how I spent my time and attention this year. But I think it’s pretty obvious where the real value is. And it’s not in tracking every step. Unless you remember those steps were next to the feet of people — or pets — that you love.
In any case, I’m glad y’all came along this ride with me this year. I appreciate the time and attention you may have given me. I hope at least one of these posts was helpful to you. And that you were able to make time for the other things in your life that bring you joy. Here’s to devoting even more time to those next year, whether you can track them or not.
See you next year?