I typed these words without any idea the direction they’ll end up. I’m not going to edit them much after I get done putting them down, either. I just want to see what happens when I don’t have an agenda, but I do have a point. And tonight, that point is just to think out loud.
See, when I started these posts, I wanted to use them as a way to keep me from Tweeting, a Twalternative, if you will (you can take the guy out of Twitter Marketing, but apparently …). But what I’ve found is that I really miss Tweeting. Even though I’m really enjoying doing these. It’s almost as if, yes, writing is writing, but writing is different, depending on where it’s going to and up. And I think that’s an important distinction people rarely appreciate.
Let’s say you need to make a sign for a block party. Right off the bat, you know your constraints. There’s the dimension of the paper which restricts the size and number of words you’ll get to use. You also need to take the location of where your sign is going to go into account, so that you can plan for who your audience will be, and when, in relation to the event, they’s see it. And how ’bout the actual content? You know you’ll need some basics like location, date, and time, but if you want people to come, especially if there’s a cost, you might to need to let people know why they’d want to be there in the first place.
But for a forum like this, with few constraints and an almost unlimited word count, the sky’s the limit. But not really, right? One consideration has to be, “who is going to read this?” Most likely, the audience is just me. That’s fine, but it needs to be noted. If I’m just posting these for practice or as snapshots, there’s still value there. But the value is almost entirely with me. Occasionally, like yesterday, I’ll do something with a purpose and audience in mind. But on days like today, it’s like staying late after soccer practice by yourself because you know there are drills you want to do so that you build muscles and skills you want to improve. And if you only get better at writing by writing, then welcome to this practice session.
I know this is a lot of navel-gazing, especially for a Friday night, but it was a better use of my brain power than trying to follow the continuous, minute-by-minute, seemingly imminent implosion of The Bird App. I don’t know if we’ll actually see it when it happens — there probably won’t be a huge crater and plume of smoke — but as more and more people stop Tweeting, in all likely hood it won’t burn out, but just fade away. However it ends, in a few months or a few hours, I will mourn it. I miss what it was. I’ll miss what it is. But most of all, I will miss what it could have been.
I Awake
11 November 2022
Hand writing.
I typed these words without any idea the direction they’ll end up. I’m not going to edit them much after I get done putting them down, either. I just want to see what happens when I don’t have an agenda, but I do have a point. And tonight, that point is just to think out loud.
See, when I started these posts, I wanted to use them as a way to keep me from Tweeting, a Twalternative, if you will (you can take the guy out of Twitter Marketing, but apparently …). But what I’ve found is that I really miss Tweeting. Even though I’m really enjoying doing these. It’s almost as if, yes, writing is writing, but writing is different, depending on where it’s going to and up. And I think that’s an important distinction people rarely appreciate.
Let’s say you need to make a sign for a block party. Right off the bat, you know your constraints. There’s the dimension of the paper which restricts the size and number of words you’ll get to use. You also need to take the location of where your sign is going to go into account, so that you can plan for who your audience will be, and when, in relation to the event, they’s see it. And how ’bout the actual content? You know you’ll need some basics like location, date, and time, but if you want people to come, especially if there’s a cost, you might to need to let people know why they’d want to be there in the first place.
But for a forum like this, with few constraints and an almost unlimited word count, the sky’s the limit. But not really, right? One consideration has to be, “who is going to read this?” Most likely, the audience is just me. That’s fine, but it needs to be noted. If I’m just posting these for practice or as snapshots, there’s still value there. But the value is almost entirely with me. Occasionally, like yesterday, I’ll do something with a purpose and audience in mind. But on days like today, it’s like staying late after soccer practice by yourself because you know there are drills you want to do so that you build muscles and skills you want to improve. And if you only get better at writing by writing, then welcome to this practice session.
I know this is a lot of navel-gazing, especially for a Friday night, but it was a better use of my brain power than trying to follow the continuous, minute-by-minute, seemingly imminent implosion of The Bird App. I don’t know if we’ll actually see it when it happens — there probably won’t be a huge crater and plume of smoke — but as more and more people stop Tweeting, in all likely hood it won’t burn out, but just fade away. However it ends, in a few months or a few hours, I will mourn it. I miss what it was. I’ll miss what it is. But most of all, I will miss what it could have been.
See you tomorrow?