Hope is an unbelievably powerful thing. And even though I type those words just moments before Speaker-elect McCarthy addresses the 118th Congress, it was not a foregone conclusion for most of the night. No, last night’s far-fetched idea didn’t come to fruition, but the fact that tonight’s conclusion was in doubt for hours and hours meant that anything was still possible. And those unknowns should give us hope, even though often, it gives me anxiety.
I try hard to control as much as I can. If you look at the last few entries here, you’ll see that theme come up over and over. Whether it’s preparing for terrible weather or making career plans, I try my best to avoid pitfalls and do the best I can with what we know. But if COVID-19 has shown me anything, it’s that you can’t prepare for what you had no idea was possible.
So, tonight as I watch the unpredictable crash up against the predictable, on the anniversary of an unexpected coup attempt, I am here to tell you that you never know what any new day can bring. That each is full of opportunity to be and do better. And even as I type that idea, I know I am trying hard to suppress the fear that those unknowns are just as probable to bring peril as they are to bring peace.
As this first week of the year draws to a close, I hope each unknown brings you more peace than peril. And some rest.
My Wave
06 January 2023
The audacity of hope.
Hope is an unbelievably powerful thing. And even though I type those words just moments before Speaker-elect McCarthy addresses the 118th Congress, it was not a foregone conclusion for most of the night. No, last night’s far-fetched idea didn’t come to fruition, but the fact that tonight’s conclusion was in doubt for hours and hours meant that anything was still possible. And those unknowns should give us hope, even though often, it gives me anxiety.
I try hard to control as much as I can. If you look at the last few entries here, you’ll see that theme come up over and over. Whether it’s preparing for terrible weather or making career plans, I try my best to avoid pitfalls and do the best I can with what we know. But if COVID-19 has shown me anything, it’s that you can’t prepare for what you had no idea was possible.
So, tonight as I watch the unpredictable crash up against the predictable, on the anniversary of an unexpected coup attempt, I am here to tell you that you never know what any new day can bring. That each is full of opportunity to be and do better. And even as I type that idea, I know I am trying hard to suppress the fear that those unknowns are just as probable to bring peril as they are to bring peace.
As this first week of the year draws to a close, I hope each unknown brings you more peace than peril. And some rest.
See you tomorrow?